Saturday, March 13, 2010


Today was so refreshing! We got out of the cramped, crowded, and busy streets of Buenos Aires and went to Tigre, a town outside of the city. The city sits on the Paraná delta so boats, catamarans, jet skis, kayakers, and row teams are constantly flying past you. The surroundings were green and I could actually see nothing but pure sky in the distance. I definitely needed this break from the pollution inhaling and street stalking lifestyle I live in Buenos Aires. Do not get me wrong, I am so digging this city, but a break from the lifestyle is always pleasant.

My group took a small boat upstream for about an hour to a beach and lounging area on the river, it was completely away from society. We all took in the sun, played some beach volleyball, and got to know each other a little better. I played volleyball for a couple of hours and just chhiiillleedd. We stayed there in total of 3 in a half beautiful hours and then our next stop was Puerto de Frutos, a nice market that sold all types of goods. There were individual little shacks that people set up with dried fruits and nuts, leather products, ice cream, jewelry, leather products, yerba maté, cafés, pottery, soccer jerseys, textiles, O ya I forgot...leather products.

Today was definitely a success and now to have a nice hamburguesa for dinner. I will put some more pictures up after this of my day, so standby.


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