Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mi familia y vida en BA

So the first thing I would like to say is very random but definitely appropriate... Thank You Silvia Dominguez! With out you I would not be in BA right now and probably still stuck in Dallas.

My journey began Friday afternoon at about 4 PM when I found out that do to complications in New Jersey, my connecting flight to Houston would be running 30 minutes late. Knowing that, I was certain I would not make my next flight to BA since I only had 40 minutes to get to my next gate. I started rushing to DFW in hope for some answers and on the way my mom was calling other airlines to see if I could get a flight to Houston immediately. By this time I was officially in panic mode. I mean I had been planning this for so long and all of a sudden everything was not running so smooth. Then my hero, as of right now, came to my rescue. Silvia Dominguez used her ferocious attitude and shoved me onto the smallest jet possible to Houston. However, I really did'nt care, I am here in Belgrano and am loving every second.

Everyone in the city lives mostly in high rise apartments because there is no room around here for houses. You literally have building after building on top of each other and there is no where else to build besides up. I live in a building like this with an older couple, Virginia y Vincente Sangiorgi, in a barrio called Belgrano. The barrio is beautiful and they have a humble apartment right in the mix of everything. My room is nice and cozy, and the four of us all share one bathroom. My school is only about 15 blocks away but to get to other parts of the city like Palermo, Recoleta, Puerto Madero, y La Boca, I have my choice of a: sub way, bus stop, train, or taxi service. If I do not have to go far, I'll just walk because it is the best way to catch everything going on.

The best part of the day is coming home and having dinner with Virginia y Vincente. We usually have dinner around 9:30-10 but sit there afterword and talk for a couple hours. The last couple of nights Vincente and I have talked until 12:30, and our conversations our always interesting as we have so many questions for each other. He is a genuine man, and I hope to learn a lot from him. Not to mention his Castellano is beautiful, it literally sounds like a poem.

My hours are a little off because of their schedule so I'm going to take a quick nap and then go meet some friends.

Hasta Luego y hablaremos temprano.

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